Tuesday 19 June 2018

GIBS honors Sarthak Bhaskar Mangaonkar for amazing sports achievements

The sight of those dainty medals did fill the hearts of the GIBS students with deserved pride. In an institutional world where everything happens due to combined effort, the credit is also shared by everybody. GIBS encourages sports and athletics, outdoor and indoor games as an essential part of the daily routine to bring physical fitness, a sense of cooperation, teamwork and family spirit besides the improved physical health factors. Under the onslaught of technology and the little gadgets that everybody possesses, physical activities are getting neglected. Social media on the smartphone is a great draw besides the images and videos, gossip and hobbies supported by the internet technology.

Sports activities are very important

Depending upon interests and abilities, the boys and girls do indulge in several sporting activities within the 4.5 - acre campus in Bannerghatta in Bangalore. At this young age, they should be active not only in the classroom, but out in the sports field too. The problem is that some students avoid such athletic activities and prefer to use technology excessively, causing bitter strain to the eyes and mind. It is just the opposite of the refreshing outdoor sports action because much of the technology, especially in the evenings and nights, would be done indoors.

Getting away from  technology!

Working on daily routines and timings, an hour should be set aside for such physical exercises on a daily basis. Enough time is available early in the morning or after the classes are done for the day. Since the students do not combine study and work, unlike students in advanced countries, they are not so hard pressed for time. Even walking and jogging would achieve the purpose of remaining fit and exercising the muscles to improve metabolism. Besides the health benefits, you feel better too with the release of endorphins. Certainly many reasons exist to support that daily exercise and it should continue all life long.

Hitting the gym has its advantages too, though it involves greater expense and certain timings you need to honor. If you wish to buy the same equipment, that is going to cost a huge amount. The gym introduces you to a community that may be encouraging too. A bicycle would serve the purpose of daily exercise in the locality.

In any case, make sure that you are not becoming a victim of excessive social media via technology and playing too many games online! Besides losing money and getting stalked by pranksters and hoaxes, chances exist of ending up in the wrong social circles that could cost dearly in the long run.

Choose health-giving activities and diets

Every society and culture throughout the endless ages of history and mythology has given importance to physical accomplishments. War was the ultimate sport because fighting was key to survival and modern approaches also at least partially consider war as a means to survival. The weak will lose out in the battle just like certain species became extinct in the laws of the jungle. ‘Might is right’ extends to the individual as much as it does to nations and religions.

It is obvious that the right diet would engender the healthy body and mind. An abundance of fruits and vegetables along with ample water would keep the body in trim condition, hydrated and deliver essential nutrients. Seeds and gram would supply protein and sea fish for the meat eaters would bring further blessings. Regular eating and sleep habits would be necessary to maintain some semblance of order amidst the chaos of modern life.  

De-stress with yoga and meditation

Those who for some reason cannot or will not participate in active sports activities can still carry out very beneficial yoga and meditation practices indoors at no expense! Make it a lifelong practice to bring rare blessings until the end. Among the numerous yoga and meditation benefits would be an enhanced metabolism, better sleep and a de-stressed mind, healthy thoughts and body postures that invigorate. Video lessons and audio would help get into the rhythm and feeling along with many books, unless a teacher is found which would be live inspiration.  

Human nature tires easily, but do try to select an activity or two according to interests and stick to them, no matter what. Whether it is football or table tennis, swimming or yoga, make it a regular habit by degrees to take on the complexities of modern life that requires a variety of fulfilling activities.

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