Tuesday 19 June 2018

GIBS hold a free Health Camp to spread positive messages

Such opportunities come but rarely and everybody is attracted on principle to free services. When the free service concerns health and well being, it is certainly an attractive situation. Global Institute of Business Studies does have the welfare of the community at the heart of many of its programs as a premier business management venue.
The truth is that most of us do not opt for regular health checkups due to various reasons. Over busy lifestyles and the unavailability of medical facilities in the immediate proximity are some reasons. The result is that certain health problems take root and escalate undetected. A stitch in time could have prevented serious problems.
As far as students are concerned, it is a regular occasion and the boys and girls did undergo the process with great interest, being quite aware of the need to monitor the health and the functioning of the organs, though problems are lesser at the young age, as a rule. Keeping a record of your health in a file would be the best strategy. Do you know your blood group? Many do not.
The CSR initiative by the CSR Club of GIBS Social Foundation Trust helped the rural community along with the students. The renowned Best Hospitals in Chandapura provided the staff and the instruments. Blood Pressure was checked along with the Sugar level besides a general checkup of the state of health. It is encouraging to note that 65 members of the community from outside the GIBS campus participated in the health checkup.

Healthy living

The Health Camp is a reminder of the need to practice healthy and active lifestyles. The diet needs to be appropriate with enough fruits and vegetables besides water intake for hydration and active lifestyles would assist metabolism. Development of muscles and healthy growth does depend upon both the dietary and activity factors.
Student life, particularly needs to be robust with participation in sports activities or walking and jogging at least. Since the mind is stressed with academic work to a great extent, it is necessary to balance the strain with vigorous physical activity. Otherwise, the brain would get heavily stressed and go to sleep.

Blood Pressure and Diabetes

While the young and energetic GIBS students hardly suffer from BP and Sugar complications, a majority of the elderly community does. Both these conditions can lead to complications if medications are not taken on a regular basis. The medications would last a lifetime in most cases. Few senior citizens are free from the scourge of BP and Sugar. Hereditary factors are often to blame for such problems getting passed down the generations. Otherwise, the precipitating factors are not very clear and research is ongoing.
If they remain untreated or neglected with many people not taking medicines regularly, serious consequences can be the result. As demonstrated in the camp, BP and Sugar levels need to be monitored regularly. The equipment is not so expensive and the family can keep both the BP and sugar monitoring instruments at home and use them when required, perhaps once a month or more if patients are present. The hassle of finding medical facilities would be avoided.

Take good care of your health

While we have no control of bodily and mental processes, healthy habits of food and drink and the avoidance of tobacco, alcohol and substance abuse would go a long way to ensure a good life. Set an example for the family and the community with an active, healthy and successful life.

Online and offline security at GIBS

Surrounded by CCTVs on the streets, in the malls and in offices, it is granted for granted that they will do the job of ensuring the safety of humans and materials. In spite of all the developments of technology in policing and forensics, crime does not appear to be diminishing. Consider the daily broadcasting and print reports of a variety of criminal activities not only in vast urban centers, where they should be expected, but also in remoteness. Though we could remain steadfastly elevated above the surroundings like the lotus, we have to ensure our own safety and the welfare of the family, job or business, property and money. How does one do that successfully?

Particularly in megacities like Bangalore, the dangers are certainly increasing. It is hard to believe that rural societies even today do not feel the need to lock up the houses every time they step out to the neighborhood shop! Global Institute of Business Studies is a self contained little township within the compound in a 4.5-acre campus that includes the entire educational infrastructure needed. GIBS certainly has to take good care of the facilities that include not only the buildings and the land, but all the sensitive equipment and teaching materials, both in terms of the physical and the soft intellectual property that exists on the campus.

Online security systems

Awesome is the power of the internet that can be harnessed nowadays not only for study and work, business and games but also guarded by security systems. Everything is within control when you work on the computer with the required software like creating accounts. It is only when you connect to the internet, perhaps with the idea of searching for information regarding the movies showing in the city, that uncertain dangers crop up. In such an online scenario, the computer is exposed to the whole world through the wired connections or maybe wirelessly now that is the norm. Not only can you reach everywhere, but your equipment is accessible through remote control. 

Nothing is going to remain a secret soon in a world that easily copies data and breaks into security systems. Though we have the antivirus and the firewall, hacking does take place and money is looted from accounts, strange though it may sound. The system of passwords does not always work and massive data breaches are regularly reported. Crime syndicates work in groups and fake appointment letters give you mighty jobs with hefty commissions only to realize that some crooks were at work.
How do you protect your interests?

Starting with the basics of personal safety, especially in dangerous city surroundings, some element of self defense is essential. If you feel weak and exposed, that will not do. Whether it is martial arts training, a weapon or pepper spray, some such line of defense is certainly needed to feel energetic and confident. Some common sense steps like avoiding lonely areas and the dark hours out alone would ensure less exposure to the criminal elements. That would apply to both the sexes and all ages, though senior citizens are more vulnerable.

The legal security system

When you examine the security system at an official residence, a factory or defense industry, it seems impressive enough, though border areas are more exposed to security threats. Monitoring is the name of the game and is routinely done through a varied system from several departments like law enforcement that has its control room with branches across the city. On the other hand, the military has its routine patrolling system too, just like the investigation agencies.

Thus, with the several layers of security systems and the entire range of online safety and reporting devices, there is no reason not to feel safe, though emergencies do take place. Can we not say that safety is the norm and dangers are only occasional?

The dark web

The lure of easy money making rather than through sweat and toil remains at the root of crime.  Dealing in illicit drugs, weapons, poached substances and smuggling of gold are some of the activities that bring huge profits in comparison to the interest that banks pay. Terrorism, religious and political issues besides racial differences have divided humanity, and created pockets of influence. Though we fondly talk of a single world family, the truth is quite different with many worlds separated by seas and mountains. Building bridges has not been possible yet, though many treaties and trade relations exist on paper.

Unless there exist peace and security around us, we cannot be happy or productive. An office or a factory, a home or an industry needs to be surrounded by an ocean of understanding and security. We live in troubled times and some countries like America are more prone to violence like in school shootings and troubled race relations. In comparison, India has a noble tradition of peace down the ages. Let us create an oasis of peace that would spread and engulf the whole world.

Time to Smile for the GIBS students and staff on World Red Cross Day

Global Institute of Business Studies earnestly observes a series of activities and celebrations each year, dedicated to academics and social services. Blood Donation Camp and Health Checkup were two of those occasions. Rather than mere lip service in honor of all the causes, it is necessary to be involved in spirit and contribute to human betterment, our best wishes extending to all sentient beings. “Memorable smiles from around the world” as the World Red Cross Day theme for 2018 could not have been more encouraging.

Remember the world Red Cross theme for 2017? “Less Known Red Cross Stories!” The media brings us sad stories of conflict, diseases, malnutrition, violence and injustice on a large scale each day. The fight is not lost because if there are vultures and devils around us, there will exist doves and angels too. It is a perpetual conflict between the opposing forces of good and evil that is constantly being fought. No side will win in this never ending story.

Henry Dunant, the founder, is remembered on his birthday each year

Celebrating his birthday on 8th May, Henry Dunant founded the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Each of us can do a little bit towards mitigating human suffering. Just imagine the millions who lack the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing and struggle with endless problems each day of their lives.  The problem is huge globally and that is why it cannot be easily solved. Yet, is it really impossible?

What happened after the First World War? Too many people died and suffering was excessive with many countries involved. Missing soldiers, the injured and the dead, homes destroyed and families broken up. In such a situation, the Red Cross goes into action. Volunteers and social workers, doctors and nurses keep the organization alive.

Red Cross day on an international level

It is difficult to understand the extent of the Red Cross movement. Covering most countries across the world and involving millions of workers and volunteers in organizations large and small, it is a small army at work. Such organizations work around the year because emergencies are constantly happening.  Floods and earthquakes, typhoons and cyclones are not uncommon. The noblest duty is alleviation of suffering. But that is easy to say. You need materials and money, organizations, workers and hard labor. Just imagine working in war zones or in earthquake affected regions?

Universal values concern each of us and every country cherishes the principles of neutrality and independence, impartiality and duty. The service of humanity takes us high above narrow thinking about religion and caste, politics and dogma. Celebrating the dignity and worth of the human race is the primary goal. Everybody has the right to live with dignity and wishes to be well settled in peaceful surroundings where the essentials of life are available.

The spirit of volunteerism

What paid workers cannot achieve would be possible through the spirit of voluntary services! Many honorary services exist in the society around us that are not paid for but done in the spirit of service. Volunteers do not seek payments for services, but receive a working allowance. Each of us should contribute some voluntary services just like the little bit of charity that everybody can afford. If those little bits of service and charity were added up, we can well imagine that the drops will make up an ocean.

The embrace of the Red Cross covers the entire world, since humanity is present everywhere. Each neighborhood, village, town and city has citizens dedicated to noble causes who will not mind sacrificing sleep and rest to relieve suffering. They would be willing to give a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on. Just like teachers and nurses, volunteers represent the finest values of service before self.

On several occasions, GIBS girls and boys have demonstrated that they are dedicated to social causes and the clubs and committees have been taking up many duties for the common welfare.  This altruistic spirit should continue beyond the years spent in the institute premises and be carried on in professional, social and family roles after the completion of studies. 

A shared dream of a smiling society

The theme for 2018 does remind us of happy smiles. That dream is certainly far from being realized, but a mighty mountain can be climbed only gradually. Social service is being done each single day, but will that be enough? Big money, power, legislation and laws, facilities and change of thinking will be required to make a difference on a large scale. The haves and have-nots in the society have a vast difference. Slowly but surely, bridges have to be built and suffering, poverty, malnutrition and misery reduced. Maybe it will be many ages before the dream is realized, but work is being done each single moment by like-minded people everywhere.

GIBS honors Sarthak Bhaskar Mangaonkar for amazing sports achievements

The sight of those dainty medals did fill the hearts of the GIBS students with deserved pride. In an institutional world where everything happens due to combined effort, the credit is also shared by everybody. GIBS encourages sports and athletics, outdoor and indoor games as an essential part of the daily routine to bring physical fitness, a sense of cooperation, teamwork and family spirit besides the improved physical health factors. Under the onslaught of technology and the little gadgets that everybody possesses, physical activities are getting neglected. Social media on the smartphone is a great draw besides the images and videos, gossip and hobbies supported by the internet technology.

Sports activities are very important

Depending upon interests and abilities, the boys and girls do indulge in several sporting activities within the 4.5 - acre campus in Bannerghatta in Bangalore. At this young age, they should be active not only in the classroom, but out in the sports field too. The problem is that some students avoid such athletic activities and prefer to use technology excessively, causing bitter strain to the eyes and mind. It is just the opposite of the refreshing outdoor sports action because much of the technology, especially in the evenings and nights, would be done indoors.

Getting away from  technology!

Working on daily routines and timings, an hour should be set aside for such physical exercises on a daily basis. Enough time is available early in the morning or after the classes are done for the day. Since the students do not combine study and work, unlike students in advanced countries, they are not so hard pressed for time. Even walking and jogging would achieve the purpose of remaining fit and exercising the muscles to improve metabolism. Besides the health benefits, you feel better too with the release of endorphins. Certainly many reasons exist to support that daily exercise and it should continue all life long.

Hitting the gym has its advantages too, though it involves greater expense and certain timings you need to honor. If you wish to buy the same equipment, that is going to cost a huge amount. The gym introduces you to a community that may be encouraging too. A bicycle would serve the purpose of daily exercise in the locality.

In any case, make sure that you are not becoming a victim of excessive social media via technology and playing too many games online! Besides losing money and getting stalked by pranksters and hoaxes, chances exist of ending up in the wrong social circles that could cost dearly in the long run.

Choose health-giving activities and diets

Every society and culture throughout the endless ages of history and mythology has given importance to physical accomplishments. War was the ultimate sport because fighting was key to survival and modern approaches also at least partially consider war as a means to survival. The weak will lose out in the battle just like certain species became extinct in the laws of the jungle. ‘Might is right’ extends to the individual as much as it does to nations and religions.

It is obvious that the right diet would engender the healthy body and mind. An abundance of fruits and vegetables along with ample water would keep the body in trim condition, hydrated and deliver essential nutrients. Seeds and gram would supply protein and sea fish for the meat eaters would bring further blessings. Regular eating and sleep habits would be necessary to maintain some semblance of order amidst the chaos of modern life.  

De-stress with yoga and meditation

Those who for some reason cannot or will not participate in active sports activities can still carry out very beneficial yoga and meditation practices indoors at no expense! Make it a lifelong practice to bring rare blessings until the end. Among the numerous yoga and meditation benefits would be an enhanced metabolism, better sleep and a de-stressed mind, healthy thoughts and body postures that invigorate. Video lessons and audio would help get into the rhythm and feeling along with many books, unless a teacher is found which would be live inspiration.  

Human nature tires easily, but do try to select an activity or two according to interests and stick to them, no matter what. Whether it is football or table tennis, swimming or yoga, make it a regular habit by degrees to take on the complexities of modern life that requires a variety of fulfilling activities.

Character building in the business universe at GIBS

Laying the foundation of character that accompanies the individual forever happens at an early age. The sum total of all the qualities and abilities, skills and applications that the person is capable of being is the best summing up of a human character. In other words, the character is constantly evolving, developing and changing according to the differing circumstances passing through. Come to think of it, we do not exist in an ideal world in a vacuum as some people seem to think. The human, physical and spiritual surroundings matter.

Global Institute of Business Studies at Bannerghatta in Bengaluru molds professionals who are capable of effective business leadership after the initial experiences of apprenticeship and the rigorous training schedule.

The important character traits

While everybody is a child of the environment and designed accordingly, certain aspects like integrity and sincerity, dedication and values, perseverance and commitment are crucial to a good character. These qualities are partly inborn like the genetic code present in families that are passed down the generations. Yet, it is very true as proved by many examples that training and experiences, teachers and colleagues are instrumental in bringing change to a person’s outlook, behavior, beliefs and customs.

Institutional support is crucial

In the present day lifestyle, existence cannot be imagined without the great role played by schools to begin with and later the higher education. Even before the first school came the influence of the parents in the family life. Just like individuals, schools have a culture just like countries and religions have a system of values. Even after education is complete and professional life begins, it is an organization that we become a part of.

Adjustment to people, rules, systems and circumstances can be a very challenging process. The GIBS students who hail from other Indian states outside Karnataka or even from abroad face the adjustment problem initially, perhaps some language issues too. If professional life takes you outside the country to cultures and religions different from your own, the same issues will arise.

Character and resilience

A person of robust character with the heart and mind in the right places knows how to cope. Facing difficult situations not only in the business world,  but also in personal and family life effectively is the hallmark of a strong character. Taking smart decisions, ability to understand problems quickly and analytical thinking to get at the root of the problem are certainly some hallmarks of a determined and dedicated manager.

Leaders and celebrities, sportspersons and reformers[

Models are required to understand an idea and architects for instance first create software models of the awesome building designs that would later touch the sky. Software may lead to hard copy like little wood and cement models to understand esthetic effects like the ones seen at exhibitions. In the immediate family life and in GIBS would be found many examples of sterling character. Success is certainly one of the criteria of a person of character.

Seeking sensations, consider not only the national leaders, but the celebrities in the field of business or entertainment, sport or fashion. No matter what field, it is truly a determined and dedicated approach that can create success. It is true that talents and skills matter, interests and aptitudes do count, but eventually it is character that prevails. Sustained hard work that is necessary to success cannot be the result of chance or luck.

Shortcuts to success do not really exist. Those who wish to get rich overnight end up in the grip of crime or other malpractices. In a world of fakes, cooking up certificates and getting jobs based on fake degrees has no validity. Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed and such stories are regularly told in the media. The slow and steady formula for success is best even though it involves time, patience and persistent labor.

Begin the GIBS chapter positively

Life is a story of ups and downs, meetings and departings, good mornings and evenings. Several institutions perhaps have passed through your life and now GIBS would be welcoming the 2018 batch. Every life does not run smoothly and perhaps things have happened that have left unpleasant memories, maybe an academic failure ora  death in the family. Life must go on, no matter what happened.

Start a fresh phase of life at GIBS and make it intensely successful. As compared to the school days, now it is time to make a professional mark and the institution would become the springboard to launch a thriving lifelong career. Concentrate on the course requirements, have a few close friends and earnestly set about the process of acquiring a business degree from a very reputed institution that has excellent placement records. Success is not so far away once you have reached the institution. Play your part well, believe in god and the institution will do the rest.

Search for the sunshine in the challenging world of GIBS

Optimists look for the sunny side of life and are attracted to the cheerful phenomena that are worth doing. While everybody is aware that life is a series of sunshine events and dark areas, just like day and night, we should be looking out for the bright spots and avoid the shadows. Plants when they grow invariably seek the light that is the source of nourishment and right minded people should be like that. Global Institute of Business Studies in pretty Bangalore inspires the smart boys and girls to not only find business success but also seek the bright surface rather than dive into the dark depths.

Two approaches and lifestyles

Just like movies and stories present two poles that are distinct opposites, one with many virtues called the hero and the character of darkness called the villain, life offers the choice. From an early age, it is clear through characteristics and temperaments that some are fated to belong to the world of goodness all lifelong while others prefer to remain in the shadows. Does it lie in the genetic makeup or is it the circumstances of life that decide which side of the law a person would belong? Or is it possible that one who has chosen the shadow world would be reformed and turn towards the light?

A hundred reasons could be cited for the adoption of good or bad characteristics by persons during upbringing. Maybe a few incidents like ill-treatment or abuse, violence or cheating occurred which compelled the person to veer off the straight path? Exploitation and dishonesty, child labor and injustice could change a person’s ideas and bring about a transformation and an embrace of the dark way of life.

War, terrorism, smuggling and narcotic drugs as businesses

The label ‘business’ is attached to the most terrible occupations on earth! Since money and management of labor or materials or both are involved in almost every undertaking, it may be technically defined as a business. And so business it is for the vilest activities that involve illegal substances and human trafficking and even terrorism and poaching. It is hard to believe that such organizations nowadays use technology so easily and label themselves as corporate bodies to cleverly run businesses through the internet in the dark web.

If the world of easy money is attractive to some, what about the many great characters of history and mythology who earned fame and enlightenment through honest and sincere labor and worked diligently and patiently through the decades. Such service based lives are common even in the neighborhood. The rise of mega businesses that span the globe arose only in recent decades with the spread of industry and technology. Service has been the traditional lifestyle with wealth accumulated through a lifetime, ending in peaceful retirement.

It is the business profession alone that offers chances of quick promotions and fast wealth and fame in the contemporary world. Does that mean that ethics and values are sacrificed on the way to the top?

Corruption, crime and wrong have always existed in some form or the other. Some societies are more corrupt and violent than the others. In an organization, it is hard to tell who is honest and who is not. Money brings power and those who handle money or valuable materials like in procurement would face the temptations of tampering with records to favor themselves. Besides, there is the humanitarian element involved. What would you say about the woman who stole bread to feed her starving children?

Those officials who find themselves in positions of enormous power are similarly in a position where they can make a fortune by being corrupt. Digital technology made the task so much easier. Those who travel a great deal across international markets doing sales duties similarly find many loopholes that may be exploited.

Wants and desires are limited

Just like a person can eat a limited quantity of food, similarly there is a limit to human consumption. We adopt the standards of the society we grew up in and frugal lifestyles are found among many societies. Affluent cultures similarly would have greater targets to be fulfilled in keeping with the environment. 

Sharing as a way of life

In good time, after honest and ethical effort and service, wealth will come just like the apartment and the car, marriage and children. It is true that some would desire fame and celebrity status while others would be content to serve in remote locations, isolated from the mainstream.  While a few are content to remain within the native city or state, most desire to work overseas in rich countries in search of greener pastures. Whatever the lifestyle may be, probably it will be a return to the native place after some years or decades. Giving back to the society that nurtured you and being compassionate towards those who have less would become the hallmark of a life well lived.

The AA+ tag for the MBA Course in GIBS is yet another deserved reward

Global Institute of Business Management in the high profile global information technology city of Bengaluru has gone places since its inception which was not so long ago. Life and education, business and manufacture, administration and communication have speeded up for sure under the impact of technology and industry. While educational institutions earlier took many decades to be well established,  GIBS did it so soon as a result of dedicated educationists and a systematic dynamic curriculum that borrows the best practices from the world over. Students here from across Indian states and several countries abroad undergo some of the finest educational experiences that drive home the crucial principles and concepts, ideas and practices they will apply in a lifetime of business services.

As can well be imagined, each city and state in India offers a vast choice of business institutions, competing for high paying students and sacrificing quality and integrity for the sake of quick bucks. A few of these large numbers of colleges and universities keep up their sweet promises and the students are lucky indeed, because it is a make or break situation when they join higher education. A good placement after a period of apprenticeship could be compared to the launch pad that sends spacecraft to explore the universe. If it is a good company and the boys and girls possess what it takes, it is a forever upward professional journey with business providing some of the best salaries and fastest promotion rates!

An MBA course graded AA+ in Karnataka state

Across the state, it is big competition with a large number of institutes, colleges and universities offering the same MBA course. It is for a generation now that an MBA has been considered the passport to certain business success with the mega companies. Unfortunately, a large number of students face bitter disappointment when the fragrant dreams come to nothing, simply because the quality of education did not succeed in molding capable business managers who can rise to the occasion and deliver the services well.

Graded AA+ for providing the high value practical and quality academic MBA program in Karnataka, the entire educational infrastructure and particularly the faculty deserve to be complimented. Nothing succeeds like success and GIBS has been proving it time and again. The truth is that individual differences among students apart, there exist just two types of business institutions, those that succeed and those that don’t.

Especially now at the critical juncture of social and economic history when a new world order is being born, it makes no sense to acquire degrees for its own sake. Educational courses should be practical and target the specific needs of the professional life. Gone are the days when mediocrity sufficed to sail through life at a leisurely pace. The extremely charged and competitive life of today amidst the advanced industry and technology require extreme effort and dedication, ability and perception.

An MBA worth studying for

One wishes that all the aspiring business students did earn such a qualifying MBA that would deliver them to successful careers, but it is clear that it is a wistful dream. Admission to the course is complex enough with a bachelor degree in any discipline and particularly commerce or business administration with some working experience. It means that the boys and girls have already studied for a minimum of 15 years besides the working years. Further come the entrance examination and the interview and group discussion.

This marathon run called the MBA brings rich rewards for those who have the patience, skill, confidence and guile to succeed through the four semesters and fulfill all the allotted tasks and assignments. GIBS offers other courses too, like the one year PGDM that is also a postgraduate course. The BBA and BCom courses have six semester duration and is meant for those who have completed class 12.

Start fighting the MBA battle

Now that one more batch commences the MBA course, let it be a determined plunge. One knows very well what lies at the end of that four semester tunnel. Ambitions and dreams are yet to be realized for the boys and girls, but they certainly will. GIBS records of placements over several years indicate that many top companies recruit regularly on the campus. While that professional status may now appear to be light years away when the syllabus is considered, it is the process that comes first and the product comes later.

Like a diamond polishing company, it is the refining process that is at work each day. Business managers are more precious than gems and will serve all lifelong in tourism, healthcare, textiles, manufacture or telecommunications, to mention a few salient fields. It is their skill that will hold the companies together. Nation building is at stake because the society is nothing but a sum of the institutions like a set of pillars that support the country.  GIBS alumni have an immense role to play in the world of tomorrow.