Each year at renowned educational institutions like Global Institute of Business Studies tells similar tales just like the calendar repeats itself, well, almost. Yet, we seem to be forgetting the intellectual thirst, the motivation and the drive that helps MBA candidates to succeed big time over four semesters. Besides inspiration and a purpose in life, business concepts along with a diverse range of training programs complete that molding of personality and values towards a human recipe for management success. Consider the fact that MBAs across the world remain at the top of their professions in the duties that bring the highest ROI.
Among the programs to set the pace and inspire the 2017-19 MBA batch at GIBS, the Paul Susheel Life Skills Workshop did explore gentle new horizons towards the path to ultimate corporate success. He has an awesome reputation as International Trainer/ Parenting Coach / Motivational Speaker / N.L.P Master Practitioner. While reading the lessons in print or discussing them in class rooms would have a tame impact, a live workshop succeeds in driving home messages effectively. Videos have become all-encompassing in social media and online study lessons but the real experience beats everything.
Mindsets refer to psychology
The immense emphasis on scientific thinking in the contemporary world convinces that the mind is the controller of much in our lives. If the mind can be manipulated through exercise, thoughts, and ideas, a lot of advantages would arise. NLP or neuro-linguistic-programming has the support of many authorities and originated in the 1970s. Richard Bandler and John Grinder in America found the NLP way to improve communication and personal development.
The impact upon the students gathered at the workshop was immediate. Paul Susheel comes with a wealth of ideas and experiences with a diverse record of numerous events he held at a variety of settings. All through the workshop, it was an interesting range of eclectic activity based learning, some of it happening unconsciously. Perhaps time will help clarify what it all meant. Lessons take time to sink into the mind and be realized, sometimes long after the learning experience.
The rising importance of soft skills!
The certain conclusion is that humans are getting more civilized. Closer bonding and understanding have become characteristic of society and social media is largely responsible. Technology has invaded every home and individual and built networks of trust and friendship with billions getting together online. Money and property alone while being essential to life would not result in much-sustained happiness. The soft skills would bring us close together in meaningful relationships that may become eternal. Cognizance of daily routines would come through the learning of such skills.
Soft skills nowadays bind us together in interpersonal relationships more than ever before in human history. Communication through a variety of media methods in speech and writing has become crucial to our social and professional lives. While the MBA degree would help land a managerial job, soft skills would be essential to success. The problem nowadays is that every child is in search of degrees that are basically associated with examinations, marks, convocations, and degrees! That is all that is left after the college course is completed. Recruitment is often based on those hard copies primarily and that represents hard skills.
Primarily in recent times, society and employment, professional performance and social interaction have gradually realized the importance of the soft skills. Trainers in soft skills are doing very well indeed as an essential part of corporate success. Can anybody hope to succeed big time without soft skills? Can the MBAs who pass out after two years from GIBS work professionally with MNCs without the gift of soft skills?
Life skills and their unique place in our lives
Learning through practical methods results in authentic learning and the Paul Susheel workshop had plenty of that. Activities that include doses of fun getting rid of the inertia that is often associated with academic rigor. Free from the confines of the classroom, the spirit feels free to explore and the heart and soul roam free. Besides, activities help to stress the pragmatic factor that is essential to realistic interpretations of life as opposed to bookish learning.
Daily life is no text book and cannot be lived according to a rigid system or formula though rules and timings are necessary. Dealing with the trials of daily life can be quite a burden especially during stressful situations. We are thinking more along professional situations that can sometimes become bitter in management. Positive behavior and rational thinking are some attributes that are compulsory to success in the complicated 21st-century scenario. Empathy for fellow human beings and their plight help us to give back to the society after experiencing career successes.
When the workshop concluded, it was an important reminder that Life Skills are very urgent and necessary. Creative and critical thinking, decision making and problem solving, awareness and mindfulness are some aspects that combine to create a powerful business manager and a social and family success.
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