Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Dual degree specialisation: Find the Point Of View of 2+2 program at GIBS…

Many of us discover as we grow up as students that we have affinity towards several subjects/fields that are sometimes related and more often than not, are strikingly different. After our graduation and sometimes fresh after our K-12 curriculum, we realize that so many options lie before us – pertaining to furthering our education. But there’s a hitch – we will have ‘bundled’ subjects to choose from, and these bundles may or may not be tailor made for us. Choosing one bundle would mean losing out one of our ‘other’ favourite subjects. But what if we got to choose our own ‘favourite’ subjects to study and make a combination out of them? This is what Dual Specializations are based on. Dual meaning ‘two’ allow us to study and earn diplomas or degrees or certifications in two areas at the same time.
When it comes to the few Business colleges offering dual specializations, through the experience they have garnered over the years, they have come up with most potent combinations – ones that will give their students the advantage of having strength and experience in many practical subjects. GIBS is one such Top B-school offering a Dual Degree with Dual Specialization in MBA and PGPM (Post Graduate Program in Management). Being one of the Top B-schools in India, they have a curriculum designed in such a way that students not only have the foundation of theory ingrained in them but also have practical exposure through various certificate programs.

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